TABLE 1. Comparison of diagnostic characters in Origanum onites , O . × karpathicum and O . vetteri .
O. onites O. × karpathicum O. vetteri
Stems 20‒100 cm tall, branches of first and second order present, third order sometimes present, hirsute and glandular pilose 9‒15 cm tall, branches of -first order present or not sparsely to densely pilose with glandular papillae 2‒10 cm tall, branches of first order usually absent, lanate-pilose
Leaves 3‒22 × 2‒19 mm, ovate, acute or acuminate at apex, remotely serrulate, margins flat, hirsute 5‒12 × 4‒8 mm, broadly ovate to rounded, obtuse at apex, entire, margins flat or sometimes slightly revolute, densely pilose with minutely glandular papillae 2‒8 × 1‒5 mm, ovate or deltoid, obtuse at apex, entire, margins revolute, lanate-pilose
Inflorescence erect, corymbose erect, corymbose or not, sometimes slightly nodding unbranched, slightly nodding
Bracts 2.5‒3 × 1.7‒2.2 mm, ovate, oval or obovate, acute to acuminate or obtuse at apex, light green 3-5 × 2-3.2 mm, elliptic to obovate, acute to acuminate at apex, green to purplish, 5‒7 × 2.5‒4 mm, obovate to oval, acute to acuminate at apex, partly purplish
Calyx 2‒2.5 mm long, 1-lipped for 9/10, upper lip entire or denticulate 3.5‒4 mm long, 2-lipped, upper lip entire to 3-toothed, lower lip 2- toothed 4‒5 mm long, 2-lipped, upper and lower teeth well developed
Corolla 3.5‒4 mm long, white 3.5‒5 mm long, white 5‒6 mm long, pink
Stamens 4 or 0, if 4, protruding 4, immature, included in corolla 4, all stamens clearly exserted from corolla
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Published as part of Cattaneo, Cristina, Dimarchou, Theocharoula, Özcan, Taner, Dirmenci, Tuncay (2022). A new hybrid of Origanum (Lamiaceae) from the Aegean Island of Karpathos (Dodecanese, Greece): Origanum × karpathicum. Phytotaxa 560 (1): 43-56. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.560.1.3, URL: on page 50