TABLE 1. Taxa, vouchers, locations, and GenBank accession numbers of DNA sequences used in this study. The newly generated sequences are in bold.
Species Voucher Locality GenBank accession Nos. References
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Newly generated sequences are in bold. SW= southwest, SE = southeast.
Boletellus aff. HKAS50223 Yunnan, SW China KT990528 KT990731 Wu et al . 2016
Boletellus aff. HKAS52678 Fujian, SE China KF112426 KF112305 KF112757 Wu et al. 2014
Boletellus aff. HKAS77650 Guangdong, southern KT990529 Wu et al . 2016
emodensis China
Boletellus aff. emodensis HKAS77739 Guangdong, southern China KT990530 KT990732 Wu et al . 2016
Boletellus aff. OR061 Thailand KT824036 KT824003 Raspé et al .
emodensis 2016
Boletellus ananas NY815459 Costa Rica JQ924336 KF112308 KF112760 Wu et al . 2014
Boletellus ananas REH7763 Costa Rica KP327626 KP327679 Halling et al . 2015
Boletellus ananas REH7924 Costa Rica KP327627 KP327680 Halling et al . 2015
Boletellus ananas REH8613 Costa Rica KP327629 KP327682 Halling et al . 2015
Boletellus ananas ARB1223 USA KP327618 KP327671 Halling et al . 2015
Boletellus ananas REH8548 Belize KP327628 KP327681 Halling et al . 2015
Boletellus ananas WMS-022 MH119116 Unpublished
Boletellus ananas REH8788 Thailand KP327636 KP327689 Halling et al . 2015
Boletellus ananas TH8819 Guyana HQ161853 Dentinger et al . 2010
Boletellus ananas TH6264 AY612799 Drehmel et al . 2008
Boletellus ananiceps REH9484 Australia KP327655 KP327705 Halling et al . 2015
Boletellus ananiceps REH9690 Australia KP327660 KP327708 Halling et al . 2015
Boletellus ananiceps 3794 Australia KP327666 KP327712 Halling et al . 2015
Boletellus ananiceps Syme Australia KP327667 Halling et al . 2015
Boletellus areolatus TNS-F-61560 Japan AB999780 Sato & Hattori 2015
Boletellus areolatus TNS-F-61568 Japan AB999784 Sato & Hattori 2015
Boletellus TNS-F-61562 Japan AB999781 Sato & Hattori
aurocontextus 2015
Boletellus TNS-F-61566 Japan AB999783 Sato & Hattori
aurocontextus 2015
Boletellus REH8923 Australia KP327640 KP327693 Halling et al .
badiovinosus 2015
Boletellus belizensis CFMR BZ-316 TJB-9128 Belize MN250169 Ortiz-Santana et al . 2007
Boletellus belizensis CFMR BZ-429 Belize MN250185 Ortiz-Santana
JCB-2001-238 et al . 2007
Boletellus belizensis CFMR BZ- Belize MN250184 Ortiz-Santana
1564 BOS-218 et al . 2007
Boletellus cf. paradoxus TNS-F-61570 Malaysia AB999785 Sato & Hattori 2015
Boletellus chrysenteroides REH9015 USA KP327645 Halling et al . 2015
Boletellus 3838 USA KF030312 KF030432 Nuhn et al .
chrysenteroides 2013
Boletellus 54/97 USA DQ534634 Binder &
chrysenteroides Hibbett 2006
Boletellus deceptivus REH8937 Australia KP327641 Halling et al . 2015
Boletellus deceptivus REH9017 Australia KP327646 KP327697 Halling et al . 2015
Boletellus deceptivus REH9786 Australia KP327663 Halling et al . 2015
Boletellus TH8840 Guyana HQ161852 Dentinger et al .
dicymbophilus 2010
Boletellus dissiliens REH8943 Australia KP327642 KP327694 Halling et al . 2015
Boletellus dissiliens REH9435 Australia JX889674 JX889684 Halling et al . 2012
Boletellus dissiliens REH9466 Australia KP327654 Halling et al . 2015
Boletellus dissiliens REH9688 Australia KP327659 KP327707 Halling et al . 2015
Boletellus dissiliens REH9768 Australia KP327662 Halling et al . 2015
Boletellus dissiliens REH9624 Australia KP327657 KP327706 Halling et al . 2015
Boletellus domingensis CFMR DR- Dominican Republic MN250170 Ortiz-Santana
573 DJL-DR- 29 et al . 2007
Boletellus emodensis REH8734 Australia KP327631 KP327684 Halling et al . 2015
Boletellus emodensis REH8742 Australia KP327633 KP327686 Halling et al . 2015
Boletellus emodensis REH8904 Australia KP327638 KP327691 Halling et al . 2015
Boletellus emodensis JXSB0347 Jiangxi, eastern China MK765812 Unpublished
Boletellus emodensis JXSB1700 MK765813 Unpublished
Boletellus emodensis JXSB1973 Jiangxi, eastern China MK765814 Unpublished
Boletellus emodensis W46 Jiangxi, eastern China MK402214 Unpublished
Boletellus emodensis TNS-F-61549 Japan AB999776 Sato & Hattori 2015
Boletellus emodensis TNS-F-61564 Japan AB999782 Wu et al . 2014
Boletellus emodensis REH8808 Thailand KP327637 KP327690 Halling et al . 2015
Boletellus indistinctus HKAS53376 Fujian, SE China KF112365 KF112744 Wu et al . 2014
Boletellus indistinctus HKAS77623 Guangdong, southern China KT990531 KT990733 KT990371 Wu et al . 2016
Boletellus indistinctus HKAS80681 Guangdong, southern China KT990532 KT990734 KT990368 Wu et al . 2016
Boletellus indistinctus HKAS90215 Guangdong, southern China KT990533 KT990735 KT990369 Wu et al . 2016
Boletellus indistinctus MHHNU7035 China KT990534 KT990736 KT990370 Wu et al . 2016
Boletellus nordestinus UFRN Brazil MG760444 Magnago et al .
Fungos2726 2019
Boletellus REH8782 Australia KP327634 KP327687 Halling et al .
obscurecoccineus 2015
Boletellus obscurecoccineus REH8741 Australia KP327632 KP327685 Halling et al . 2015
Boletellus REH8905 Australia KP327639 KP327692 Halling et al .
obscurecoccineus 2015
Boletellus REH9034 Australia KP327648 KP327699 Halling et al .
obscurecoccineus 2015
Boletellus obscurecoccineus REH9038 Australia KP327649 KP327700 Halling et al . 2015
Boletellus REH9061 Australia KP327650 KP327701 Halling et al .
obscurecoccineus 2015
Boletellus Mushroom USA MH257564 MH337293 Unpublished
pseudochrysenteroides Observer #288188
Boletellus putuoensis FHMU6907 Zhejiang, eastern China ON166664 ON155822 ON155834 this study
Boletellus putuoensis FHMU6959 Zhejiang, eastern China ON166665 ON155835 this study
Boletellus putuoensis FHMU6960 Zhejiang, eastern China ON166666 this study
Boletellus reminiscens REH9284 Australia KP327651 KP327702 Halling et al . 2015
Boletellus shoreae AP-2018a AP India MH608211 Parihar et al .
6679 2018
Boletellus shoreae AP-2018a AP India MH608210 Parihar et al .
6696 2018
Boletellus sinapipes 25511 Australia KP327668 Halling et al . 2015
Boletellus sinapipes REH9592 Australia KP327656 Halling et al . 2015
Boletellus sinapipes REH9018 Australia KP327647 KP327698 Halling et al . 2015
Boletellus sinapipes REH9408 Australia KP327653 KP327704 Halling et al . 2015
Boletellus singeri VB4460 Mexico KP327670 Halling et al . 2015
Boletellus singeri VB4530 Mexico KP327669 KP327713 Halling et al . 2015
Boletellus sp. BD366 Costa Rica HQ161857 Dentinger et al . 2010
Boletellus sp. Bol-10 India KP733690 Unpublished
Boletellus sp. HKAS74907 China KT990737 KT990373 Wu et al . 2016
Boletellus sp. WMS-033 Jiangxi, eastern China MH119117 Unpublished
Boletellus sp. 00-335 Zambia KF030330 Nuhn et al . 2013
Boletellus sp. HKAS74888 China KF112413 KF112268 KF112747 Wu et al . 2014
Boletellus sp. HKAS80554 China KT990535 KT990374 Wu et al . 2016
Heimioporus HKAS80581 China KT990573 KT990769 KT990407 Wu et al . 2016
Heimioporus subretisporus HKAS80582 China KT990574 KT990770 KT990409 Wu et al . 2016
persistent identifier:
Published as part of Xu, Chang, Zhang, Xu, Chen, Yun-Xia, Xue, Rou, Le, Zhi-Fang, Wang, Jian-Rui, Li, Yi, Zeng, Nian-Kai (2022). Boletellus putuoensis (Boletaceae, Boletales), a new bolete from subtropical China. Phytotaxa 554 (2): 149-162. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.554.2.4, URL: on pages 150-154