TABLE 1 . The criteria for the confirmed and the unconfirmed presence of the fish species in the Adriatic Sea.
Criteria Explanation
1 Collection: verified presence At least one specimen from Adriatic is stored in public collection with published reference.
2 Publication: evidence from photo No stored specimens. The species can be positively identified just from the provided photo from the Adriatic locality given in the published record.
3 Publication: evidence from morphological or genetic data No stored specimens. The species can be positively identified just from the described morphology and/or genetics from the Adriatic locality given in the published record.
4 Publication: expert providing individual collecting data No stored specimens or morphological or genetic evidence published. However, species citations can be traced back through publications to the author that is/was expert for the taxon or for the fish guild of particular habitat, who provided the data in a paper on the locality and date of the personal collecting of specimen(s) in the paper so it should be expected that species were identified correctly.
5 Publication: expert performing broad study No stored specimens or morphological or genetic evidence published. However, species citations can be traced back through publications to an author that is/was expert for the taxon or for the fish guild of a particular habitat and who reported numerous findings or, in a study on ecology or species biology, numerous specimens, so it should be expected that species were identified correctly.
6 Collection: presence not verified The specimen is stored in public collection with doubtful Adriatic locality.
7 Collection: presence not verified The specimen stored in public collection was lost and its published morphology is contradictory to the assigned species identity.
8 Publication: evidence present but data insufficient No stored specimens. The species cannot be positively identified from the photo in a published record from Adriatic.
9 Publication: evidence present but data insufficient No stored specimens. The species cannot be positively identified from the morphology recorded (i.e. described morphometric, meristic or qualitative characters) in a published record from Adriatic.
10 Publication: expert omitted to provide collecting data No stored specimens or morphological or genetic evidence published. The species citation can be traced back through publications to the author that is/was expert for the taxon or fishes of particular habitat, but no data was published on the locality and date for the reported specimen(s).
11 Publication: author is not expert for these fishes No stored specimens or morphological or genetic evidence published. The species citation can be traced back to the person that is not expert for the particular taxon or fishes of a particular habitat, and who only provided data are on the locality and date.
12 Unpublished The record with photo and/or morphological data evidence is still unpublished or it is just mentioned in grey literature.
persistent identifier:
Published as part of Kovačić, Marcelo, Lipej, Lovrenc, Dulčić, Jakov (2020). Evidence approach to checklists: critical revision of the checklist of the Adriatic Sea fishes. Zootaxa 4767 (1): 1-55. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4767.1.1 on pages 2-3