Characters B. t ropicus B. t ropicus B. colosseus B. bapaensis sp. nov. B. bapaensis sp. nov. B. vastatrix B. acumini- penni s male female male male female male+female male Body length 40–45 50 55 54.16±1.05(7) 54±2(3) 49 53 Pronotum length 8–8.5 8 10 7.65±0.48(7) 7.03±0.49(3) - - Pronotum width anteriorly - - - 11.47±0.39(7) 10.53±0.12(3) - 13 Pronotum width posteriorly - - - 11.47±0.39(7) 10.53±0.12(3) - - Length of tegmina 35–37 38 40 32.71±1.48(7) 34.27±0.64(3) - - Length of wings - - - 41.41±0.66(7) 41±1(3) - - Length of hind fermur 26–27 26 32 21.77±0.81(7) 20.77±0.21(3) - - Length of hind tibia - - - 12.86±0.7(7) 11.93±0.32(3) - - Length of hind tarsus - - - 11.37±0.59(7) 11.17±0.35(3) - - Antenna length - - - 31.52±1.64(7) 29.5±0.5(3) - - Cerci length - - - 16.3±1.11(7) 15.33±0.29(3) - - Ovipositor length - 4 - 3.6±0.1(3) - - Number of stridulatory teeth - - - 38± 0.75 (7) - - -