Character Clinopodes Clinopodes Test for Discriminant analysis Discriminant analysis carinthiacus strasseri difference (with/without (with/without s.s. (N = 52) (N = 9) transformation) transformation) Name Definition (mean ± SD) (mean ± SD) t or W P -value Coefficient P -value Distal elongation of Ratio between length and width of article XIV of 1.96 ± 0.09 2.02 ± 0.11 t = −1.39 0.195 0.00/0.04 1/1 antennae antennae Relative breadth of Ratio between width and length of forcipular 1.40 ± 0.06 1.35 ± 0.05 t = 2.67 0.019 −0.08/−0.23 1/1 forcipular coxosternite coxosternite Elongation of denticles* Ratio between maximum length of the coxosternal 0.022 ± 0.004 0.058 ± 0.08 W = 0.0 0.000 2.41/0.10 0.000/1 denticles and width of head Number of setae on Number of setae and all other projecting sensilla 15 ± 4 15 ± 2 t = 0.41 0.685 −0.16/−0.55 1/1 sternite 1 on the metasternite of leg-bearing segment 1 Number of setae on Number of setae and all other projecting sensilla 28 ± 6 31 ± 9 t = −0.96 0.362 0.43/0.71 1/1 sternite 2 on the metasternite of leg-bearing segment 2 Corrected number of Number of leg pairs + 2 if the specimen is male 56 ± 1 61 ± 1 W = 0.5 0.000 1.12/2.03 0.664/0.002 pairs of legs* Relative breadth of Ratio between width and length of metasternite of 0.88 ± 0.07 0.84 ± 0.08 t = 1.46 0.175 −0.02/0.03 1/1 penultimate sternite the penultimate leg-bearing segment Elongation of ultimate Ratio between length of pore-field and length of 0.57 ± 0.06 0.53 ± 0.16 t = 0.82 0.434 −0.12/0.09 1/1 pore-field metasternite of penultimate leg-bearing segment Degree of posterior Ratio between width of ultimate sternite and 0.37 ± 0.03 0.38 ± 0.03 W = 198.5 0.470 0.02/0.29 1/1 narrowing* width of forcipular coxosternite Relative number of Ratio between average number of coxal pores on 30 ± 5 30 ± 4 W = 212.5 0.662 0.26/−0.11 1/1 coxal pores* each coxopleuron and length of the coxopleuron