TABLE 1. Spicule measurements of Nodastrella nodastrella holotype (MOM-INV-21666 (04 1353)) and USNM 1150046. Values in µm are given as minimum - mean - maximum (number). D = diameter, L = length. * no complete spicules were found.
Spicule Atrial hexactin (D) Dermal stauractin (D) Holotype 140–242.1–520 (7) 210–289.5–360 (14) USNM 1150046 200–247.3–310 (30) 190–242–280 (30)
Pappocome-like oxyhexaster
D 0 * 92.5–120.6–150 (30)
secondary ray (L) 32–56.4–86 (30) 40–54.3–67.5 (30)
primary ray (L) 3–4.6–6 (30) 3.75–5.4–7.5 (30)
D 80–145–180 (20) 190–202.7–225 (30)
secondary ray (L) 25–55–70 (20) 62.5–75.2–87.5 (30)
primary ray (L) Discaster (D) 15–17.5–25 (20) 90–133.6–160 (14) 15–18.1–22.5 (29) 130–149–170 (30)
persistent identifier:
Published as part of Dohrmann, Martin, Göcke, Christian, Reed, John, Janussen, Dorte (2012). Integrative taxonomy justifies a new genus, Nodastrella gen. nov., for North Atlantic " Rossella " species (Porifera: Hexactinellida: Rossellidae). Zootaxa 3383: 1-13. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3383.1.1 on page 4