TABLE 1 . Length and observations on the reproductive biology of Branchiomma coheni found in Tampa Bay, Florida. Presence of character or detail indicated by +, absence indicated by -. All plates represented by a single specimen of Branchiomma coheni
Year Block Plate Vial Lenght (cm) Molecular specimen SERC collection Location Oocytes Sperm Notes
2014 2240 16838 158629 3.7 + Drawer 13 Box 103 B16 + + No radioles, broken. Simultaneous hermaphrodite,
2014 2240 16838 199914 3.7 - Drawer 13 Box 103 C2 + - Female, only eggs present, no evidence of regeneration.
2014 2240 16829 158394 5 + Drawer 13 Box 103 E16 + + Simultaneous hermaphrodite. Smaller variation of stylodes
2012 2118 15009 168941 3.8 - Drawer 11 Box 86 C11 + + Simultaneous hermaphrodite. Smaller variation of stylodes
persistent identifier:
Published as part of Keppel, Erica, Tovar, Maria Ana, Ruiz, Gregory (2015). First record and establishment of Branchiomma coheni (Polychaeta: Sabellidae) in the Atlantic Ocean and review of non – indigenous species of the genus. Zootaxa 4058 (4): 499-518. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4058.4.3 on page 503