TABLE 1. Biometric data for Akysis pulvinatus (n=7). Mean and SD values are inclusive of the holotype.
Biometrics Holotype Range MeanSD
In % SL
Predorsal distance 37.5 35.0–38.9 37.21.4
Preanal length 65.2 63.9–65.2 64.80.5
Prepelvic length 47.3 46.0–47.5 47.10.6
Prepectoral length 23.6 22.3–23.6 22.70.5
Length of dorsal-fin base 15.9 15.6–16.9 16.10.5
Length of dorsal spine 15.2 15.2–16.9 16.10.8
Length of anal-fin base 14.2 14.2–17.0 15.91.1
Length of pelvic fin 13.5 12.8–14.3 13.70.6
Length of pectoral fin 22.3 22.3–26.7 24.81.7
Length of pectoral spine 16.6 16.6–19.2 17.61.0
Length of caudal fin 22.0 22.0–24.4 23.01.0
Length of adipose-fin base 25.0 23.0–25.2 24.20.9
Body depth at anus 14.5 13.2–16.0 14.71.0
Depth of caudal peduncle 10.1 9.4–10.3 9.90.4
Length of caudal peduncle 21.6 18.5–21.6 20.41.2
Head length 28.7 27.6–29.8 28.40.9
Head width 23.6 21.9–25.1 23.81.3
Head depth 17.6 13.2–17.6 16.31.8
In % HL
Snout length 32.9 32.9–40.0 35.72.9
Interorbital distance 31.8 31.6–38.7 35.43.5
Eye diameter 12.9 8.9–13.7 11.81.8
Length of nasal barbel 36.5 13.9–57.5 41.219.1
Length of maxillary barbel 82.4 78.5–105.0 89.410.2
Length of inner mandibular barbel 52.9 45.6–60.0 54.55.7
Length of outer mandibular barbel 80.0 69.6–92.0 80.27.9
persistent identifier:
Published as part of Ng, Heok Hee (2007). Akysis pulvinatus, a new species of catfish (Siluriformes: Akysidae) from southern Thailand. Zootaxa 1608: 51-58. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.178872 on page 54