TABLE 1. Comparison of diagnostic characters of species of Potamonautes from the Lake Kivu drainage basin, Central and
Anterolateral margin smooth smooth lined by granules smooth
Horizontal sulcus on carapace sidewall smooth smooth lined by granules smooth
Mandibular palp simple, no hard ledge at junction between segments simple, with small hard ledge at junction between segments simple, with small hard ledge at junction between segments simple, no hard ledge at junction between segments
s2/s3 deep deep faint depression deep
s3/s4 deep at sides, faint in middle, meeting top of sac faint in middle, meeting top of sac missing in middle, not meeting top of sac missing in middle, not meeting top of sac
G1 terminal article slightly widened in middle, medial fold higher than lateral fold significantly widened in middle, lateral fold higher than medial fold significantly widened in middle, lateral fold higher than medial fold not widened in middle, lateral and medial folds low, even
Dorsal membrane of G1 data unavailable margins of equal width medial margin wider than lateral margin margins of equal width
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Published as part of Meyer, Kirstin S., Cumberlidge, Neil (2011). A revision of the freshwater crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Potamonautidae) of the Lake Kivu drainage basin in Central and East Africa. Zootaxa 3011: 45-58. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.207971 on page 47