TABLE 3. Characters in six species of Neoconger larvae
Species Intestinal loop Anterior melanophore ventral Posterior melanophore ventral
N. mucronatus Sharp Absent Present
N. torrei Sharp Present Present
N. anaelisae Flat Present Present
N. species Sharp Absent Absent
N. vermiformis Sharp Present Present
N. tuberculatus Sharp Absent Present
persistent identifier:
Published as part of Smith, David G., Marceniuk, Alexandre P., Rotundo, Matheus M., Carvalho, Cintia O., Caires, Rodrigo A. (2024). A review of the genus Neoconger (Anguilliformes: Moringuidae), with the description of a new species. Zootaxa 5492 (1): 109-128. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5492.1.6, URL: on page 116